Sunday, January 23, 2011

It's been awhile.........

Ok...the last time you heard from me was in 2008. That my cyber friends was nearly three years ago! Since then, I have finished my third degree, watched my son turn 23, have turned 50 myself, have gone to Niagara Falls, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and a cruise this past Christmas. I've been busy huh? Life's good. I am a little broke, credit cards maxed out....ohhh and I have completely remodeled my home. Forgot about that one. I have decided that I might be lacking in cash, but I'm going to live. If I haven't got the cash, but I do have room on my credit card, I'm going to charge it and go, live life, see new things, and as I said before LIVE. My son, is going to going overseas to Europe summer to either do a five week college course in Waterford, Ireland....or London, England. I'm excited for him. I've told him his entire life to get away from here....go to other lands, meet the people and just enjoy differences in others. I hope he will do that and have no regrets. I'll have to decide what I'll do on my summer break. I am a teacher and as everyone knows...we get the summer off for free!! I wish that were so. Ok...getting off here for now, maybe I'll be back on sooner than before..Peace......GiGi