Monday, July 14, 2008

Howdy ya'll

Hey there,
I'm here sitting in Georgia, near Atlanta.. I'm a teacher and I'm kinda gloomy because I only have about two weeks before I have to go back to school. Ok, I know what you are thinking. She's complaining!!!! She gets the entire summer off! True, true............but I do have an excuse this time. I am continuing my education and I'm taking four, yes you heard me, four! classes and they are about to kill me...I'm too old for this! Ohh by the way.....I'm 47, divorced, a mother of one awesome nearly 20 year old(he's in college too) a sister, an aunt and friend to to wonderful friends. I have two dogs Sadie and Emma, two cats Sophie and Rev and have a couple of deer in my yard every once in awhile.
Okay enough about me today........'til later

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